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Institutional Equity

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OIE Process Flowchart

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%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'mainBkg': '#4d1979', 'primaryTextColor': '#ffffff', 'fontSize':'18px'}}}%% graph TD A[Complainant Files a Report] --> B("The OIE will conduct Initial Inquiry
to determine if Policy 1.008 is applicable.
Discuss support, resources and resolution options.") B --> C["If Policy 1.008 does not
apply, one or more of
the following may occur:"] B --> D["If Policy 1.008 applies,
there are two resolution processes:"] C --> E["OIE may determine that the
matter needs to be referred to
another TCU office for further action.

OIE may determine the need
to submit a written Complaint to
investigate the matter.

OIE may identify appropriate
and necessary steps to
resolve the report.

Parties are notified in writing of report outcome."] D --> G["Informal Resolution Process"] D --> H["Formal Resolution Process"] G --> I["Either the Complainant or
Respondent may request resolution
through the Informal Resolution
Process. All parties, including OIE,
must agree to an informal resolution.
Note: A report of sexual assault,
dating and domestic violence,
and/or stalking may not be
appropriate through the
informal resolution process."] H --> J["The OIE will determine
if a Formal Resolution of the
Complaint process is appropriate, notify
the Parties through Notice of Investigation;
and provide information to the Parties
about policy and procedures.
The Respondent is presumed not
responsible for the alleged
conduct outlined in the Complaint."] J --> K["The OIE will appoint an Investigator(s)
who will interview the Complainant,
Respondent, and any identified witnesses.
The Investigator(s) will also review any
relevant information and evidence."] K -->L["The Investigator(s) will prepare
a summary report. The Parties
will be provided access to the
summary and relevant materials
for review, dependent on type
of complaint (Title IX or other).
The Parties will have 10 calendar
days to submit a written response
to the Investigator(s)."] L -->M["The Investigator(s) will complete
the Investigative Report within 7
calendar days after receipt of
Parties’ written response(s)."] M -->N["OIE will submit the Final
Investigative Report to the appropriate
university office."]

The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) Receives Report

The OIE will conduct Initial Inquiry to determine if Policy 1.008 is applicable. Discuss support, resources and resolution options with Parties. If Policy 1.008 does not apply, one or more of the following may occur: 
  • The OIE will conduct Initial Inquiry to determine if Policy 1.008 is applicable. Discuss support, resources and resolution options with Parties.
    • If Policy 1.008 does not apply, one or more of the following may occur: 
      • OIE may determine that no further action is necessary;
      • OIE may determine that the matter is resolved without the submission of a complaint;
      • If report includes information which may violate other University policies or standards, the matter may be referred to another TCU office for further action.
      • Parties are notified in writing of report outcome.
    • If Policy 1.008 applies, there are two resolution processes:
      • Informal Resolution Process
        • Either the Complainant or Respondent may request resolution through the Informal Resolution Process. All parties, including OIE, must agree to an informal resolution. Note: A report of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and/or stalking may not be appropriate through the informal resolution process.
      • Formal Resolution Process of Complaint
        • The OIE will determine if a Formal Resolution of the Complaint process is appropriate; notify the Parties through Notice of Investigation; and provide information to the Parties about policy and procedures. The Respondent is presumed not responsible for the alleged conduct outlined in the Complaint.
        • The OIE will appoint an Investigator(s), who will interview the Complainant, Respondent, and any identified witnesses. The Investigator(s) will also review any relevant information and evidence.
        • The Investigator(s) will prepare a summary report and provide the Parties to the summary and relevant materials for review, dependent on type of complaint (Title IX or other). The Parties will have 10 calendar days to submit a written response to the Investigator(s).
        • The Investigator(s) will complete the Investigative Report within 7 calendar days after receipt of Parties’ written response(s).
        • OIE will submit the Final Investigative Report to the appropriate university office.
          • If Respondent is a student, the Investigative Report will be submitted to the Office of Campus Life for further processing.
          • If Respondent is an employee, the Investigative Report will be submitted to the Office of Human Resources and include a Determination of Responsibility and recommended sanctions, if any.

Appeal of Complaint Dismissal Process

If the Complaint is dismissed, the OIE will send written notice of dismissal and reason for dismissal to the Parties.

Either party may appeal the Complaint’s dismissal of the Complaint or any allegations due to a) a procedural irregularity; b) new evidence not reasonably available at time of dismissal; c) the dismissal was clearly wrong based on a plain reading of the Complaint and Policy 1.008; or d) the investigator(s) or decision-maker(s) had a conflict of interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents or the individual Complainant or Respondent.  

The Parties may appeal the dismissal of the Complaint in writing within 5 business days of receiving notice of dismissal.  Both Parties will be notified of the appeal’s outcome.